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St. Michael's relies on involvement from parents, the parish, and the community to provide the quality education and services the students need.
Want to get involved? Give us a call at 843-651-6795. We need volunteers to help with fundraising events, school activities, campus clean-up, and maintenance.

Our students also look for ways to give back to the community through service projects. If you have service project ideas, let us know how we can help!



In an effort to improve our fundraising obligations and the educational enrichment programs offered to the children of St. Michael Catholic School, the Fair Share Hours Policy was designed to evenly share volunteer responsibilities throughout all registered families. The program will allow for adequate staffing of PTO-sponsored events and other scholastic programs that help benefit our school, thus helping to keep our tuition costs lower. It also helps us maintain our "family atmosphere", which makes our school so special. As a result, mandatory service hours are required of all registered families. ​

The number of service hours required by all registered families at St. Michael Catholic School is a minimum of 7 hours per quarter (a total of 28 hours per academic year). Any parent, legal guardian, grandparent, or immediate family member over 18 years of age may fulfill your family's service obligation. If you will be volunteering in any capacity that involves our students, Safe Haven certification through the Diocese of Charleston is required along with background screening information (forms for background screening are available in the school office). Additional information and registration for Safe Haven can be obtained by visiting This is now an online course.​

Please contact Mrs. Debbie Floyd to answer any questions regarding the Fair Share agreement.